Reviews written by: Connor
Fatalist - The Depth Of Inhumanity
Fatalist hail from California and are on none other than the legendary John Mcentee of Incantation fame's label, Ibex Moon Records so the pedigree is excellent to begin with. Even their logo looks a lil bit like the Entombed logo which only adds to the feel of the album. The vibe here is very much old school with huge filthy guitars (mids sucked...
Feral - Welcome To The Graveyard
"Welcome To The Graveyard" is a 5 track EP taking influence from the old school and more specific from their native country, Sweden. The songs are very raw but with just enough melody here and there before ripping your face off with more filth. The vocals here are very powerful and overall reminding me of Dismember which I'm a huge fan of. I think...
Nervous Impulse - Enough For Dementia
I wasn't too sure what to expect with this cd so O stuck it on and O was greeted with quite a disturbing sample of people crying so O wasn't too sure where it was going! And then a blistering salvo of hyper grind/death metal came burstin' through my speakers! Think Pig Destroyer and Nasum on steroids with abit of Inhume thrown in for measure with t...
Nammoth - Demo '09
I fuckin' love getting demos sent to me! It's gives you a rough insight of whats lurking out there in the catacombs of death metal! I was most certainly surprised when Nammoth came brustin' from my speakers. Nammoth are Polish however they don't have all the usual "Polish" death metal traits ala Vader and Behemoth. These guys are all about the f...
Inbreeding Sick - Sodomized And Gutted
I love Colombia! I love it's insatiable hunger for all things brutal! And almost every band I hear from Colombia is faster and more brutal than the last!!! Inbreeding Sick are a 3 piece band that feature a drum machine. Now normally I wouldn't really dig drum machine bands as I have heard so many bad examples of using a drum machine but Inbreedi...
Bloodmoon - Identity Denied
Coined as a "five track death metal journey", Bloodmoon's "Identity Denied" is exactly that! The vibe here is very old school, which I like alot! The recording itself is very raw whilst still maintaining its overall heaviness which is very cool. What really impressed me the most was the vocals, goddamn they're good!!! Ranging from low to outright g...
Expulsion - Wasteworld
Now this is cool CD! An absolute belter in fact! Expulsion are a fairly new band on the scene hailing from Groningen, Holland. Classing themselves as a blend of black and death metal but not only is it this, its intense and to these ears I hear a nice blend of Possessed and Ripping Corpse and to an extent, Death. The CD not only is fast and heavy b...
Exence - Hystrionic
It seems this type of thing is alive and well in Italy!!! The whole technical death thrash thing. Originally founded in 2000, Hystrinoic is the band's latest offering apparently taking 16 months to record, which, in anyones book is a long time. But was it worth it I hear you ask? Well it's well produced that's for sure. However I find it so layered...
Anatomy - Overtreatment
In the genre of goregrind, ya gotta love it, ya cant get away from it! Total Carcass worship! They say immitation is the highest form of flattery. And Anatomy's "Overtreatment" does just a fine job here. Though whats nice i hear alot of old bands here in the sound such as old Entombed, Dismember/Carnage which is a definate plus to the sound, rig...
Grindpad - Grave Matter
Grindpad hail from one of my favourite countries in the world. Holland. Utrecht to be precise. I found Holland a very mellow country to visit but mellow this release is not! This release is an e.p. jam packed with relentless non stop grindage. Its a nasty piece of work!!! The production is very clean punchy and crisp but its fuckin heavy! The lyric...
Dark Domination - Let Satan Through Our Lips
Dark Domination's "let satan speak through our lips" has a cold sterile feeling which im assuming was the plan for sure being black metal, but however the songs seem fairly mid-pacedfor the whole length of the album. These guys are all the way from Latvia and use their eastern origins for influence on their lyrical content which is is kinda cool bu...
Subhuman - Profondo Rozzo
Subhuman are a technical Death/Thrash band from Italy which if im honest i had never heard of up until now..... and my god i have missed out!! the album being reviewed here is their recent offering "profondo rozzo" which is packed with stomping song after stomping song. These guys are awesome! Great production with really chunky riffs, pulverisi...