Reviews written by: Colin McNamara
Breeding Chaos - Distant Planets
<p>Breeding Chaos were formed out of France in 2020 and just a year ago put out their debut EP. This four piece Melodeath group finally have unleashed their full length debut “Distant Planets” that is a tight 30 minutes of guitar focused music, leaning more on the late 90s style of groups like Soilwork and Amon Amarth for a raucous, but enjoyable l...
Deamonolith - The Monolithic Cult Of Death
<p>Disclaimer: there are 2 versions of this album apparently; 1 is on CD and is broken into 6 tracks and then there is the bandcamp version (the one being reviewed) where it is a single track. Considering this is a 35 minute epic, it falls right in line with the impressive concept work attempt of Edge Of Sanity and Insomnium…<br><br>Deamonolith jus...
Artery - Last Chance
<p>France’s Artery have been around for quite some time- since 2005- but it has been a bit since anyone has heard from them since their 2018 EP. With the departure of their more Death Metal styled vocalist, they have gained a new vocalist Greg who makes his debut on “Last Chance.” While his voice brings a bit more of a Metalcore element to the musi...
SaintSombre - Earth/Dust
<p>SaintSombre are a fresh band out of France under the sole member Steve R. who delivers all the vocals, riffs, drumming, and samples. Considered a mix of Sludge and Post Metal/ Rock, SaintSombre avoids the usual abrasive atmosphere that Post Metal bands like Grown Below or Cult of Luna go for or the clean Djent driven one like Spiritbox, but rath...
Asgrauw - Oorsprong
<p>Asgrauw continue to ride their ‘2 year’ release train as they spit forth album number six entitled “Oorpsrong,” perhaps their most ‘teased’ album based upon the amount of singles they released building up to it. For those who don’t know, this three piece from the Netherlands crank out a rather cold, but melodic style of Black Metal that is simil...
Onslaught Kommand - Malignancy
<p>Onslaught Kommand have rather flown under the radar lately ever since their inception in 2022, but are starting to make some waves between splits, EPs, and finally a full length. Currently signed to Godz ov War Productions, this Chilean Blackened Death Metal band adds in some Grindcore elements for a rather filthy, yet enjoyable record. Followin...
Upon The Altar - Descendants Of Evil
<p>Upon The Altar are three piece Black Metal band from Poland that take the more blackened side of a band like Archgoat mixed with the 90s fuzzy and raw evil tones of the likes of bands such as Crebain for a thick, murky ride that is just pulsing from the bass and drum work. Formed in 2019 by bassist/ vocalist Void along with guitarist bTo and dru...
Amoclen - Grindcorization
<p>It has been about 3 years, but Czechia’s five piece Grindcore effort Amoclen are continuing their lengthy ‘medically focused’ music by releasing another album prescribed for the masses. While some of the tracks were featured in their split back in 2021, “Grindcorization” is a socially charged piece that continues with tracks that continue to foc...
Artefacts - The Titan Chronicles Part II: Lucius
<p>Artefacts hail from Belgium and are making a very big splash with their debut album “The Titan Chronicles Part II.” While some might wonder why they didn’t start with “Part I…”, a lot of great pieces of art have started in the middle (Like the Star Wars films for instance). Artefacts create something that is like cinematic Metal, blending a mix...
Colin’s top 10 for BRUTALISM 2024
<p>This has been a good year for Metal all around, and it’s been a while since I could say that. If 2023 was a year for Death Metal, 2024 was the year for comeback records. Bands that have been defunct for almost 10 years have come back swinging hard, some with great success like Brodequin, Job For a Cowboy, Darkest Hour, Nachtmystium and Kittie an...
Decreation - Flesh Eater
<p>Decreation are a relatively new Death Metal band from Finland formed by the members of Pyre of Hypocrisy (guitarists Frank and Tape) in 2022 and over the last few years have recruited others like drummer Tomi who was also formerly a part of Pyre and later Heikki of Amongst the Ashes and Pekko of Infected Priest. Their debut EP “Flesh Easter” is...
Mirror - Harvest
<p>Spain’s solo act Mirror has been around for a long time and has been quite prolific over the years ever since 1998. Rooting itself in the core of the bitter sound of Doom Death with Gothic touches but not as overt as other bands like My Dying Bride out there, one can hear touches of the more Sludge/ Stoner Doom amongst the Death Doom on the late...