Warmblood - God Of Zombies
"God Of Zombies" is a tried and tested technical explosion of how good death metal should be recorded.
From the opening few seconds of ‘Post Mortem Transfiguration’ this is something that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and pay attention too. Brash and deft precision is matched with a battering arsenal of power, speed, ferocity and a really strong clear vocal delivery. There are touches of all the classic death metal bands here. I am drawn to the Chuck Schuldiner influence when the riffs develop, the remainder sounds like a perfectly excellent Florida death metal release of the early 90’s.
‘Unfaithful Celebrant’ hits a massive point, nailing you head to the ground with its full blown hammer blow delivery. Forget the overtly technical death metal style, this is a perfect balance between that and a classic era death metal band. Have you guessed the lyrical theme yet? This fits with any fan of gore and horror, the jewel feature is that it doesn’t go too far into the gore spectrum to get the point and thoughts across. ‘Zombinferno’ has some cool groovy pace about it, making the tracker very memorable and damn good fun. I was quite surprised with this record label releasing material by such a cool band as this, this is certainly an album to watch out for but alas a little too late to add to my top ten list as that’s already been issued elsewhere.
I don’t particularly want to go in depth here or analyse this too much, it’s a damn good death metal, it works at every level and every time I spin this release it’s a genuine winner of massive proportions.
From the opening few seconds of ‘Post Mortem Transfiguration’ this is something that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and pay attention too. Brash and deft precision is matched with a battering arsenal of power, speed, ferocity and a really strong clear vocal delivery. There are touches of all the classic death metal bands here. I am drawn to the Chuck Schuldiner influence when the riffs develop, the remainder sounds like a perfectly excellent Florida death metal release of the early 90’s.
‘Unfaithful Celebrant’ hits a massive point, nailing you head to the ground with its full blown hammer blow delivery. Forget the overtly technical death metal style, this is a perfect balance between that and a classic era death metal band. Have you guessed the lyrical theme yet? This fits with any fan of gore and horror, the jewel feature is that it doesn’t go too far into the gore spectrum to get the point and thoughts across. ‘Zombinferno’ has some cool groovy pace about it, making the tracker very memorable and damn good fun. I was quite surprised with this record label releasing material by such a cool band as this, this is certainly an album to watch out for but alas a little too late to add to my top ten list as that’s already been issued elsewhere.
I don’t particularly want to go in depth here or analyse this too much, it’s a damn good death metal, it works at every level and every time I spin this release it’s a genuine winner of massive proportions.