Twitch Of The Death Nerve - A Resting Place For The Wrathful

Picking up where “A New Code of Morality” left off, Twitch Of The Death Nerve’s new offering, “A Resting Place For The Wrathful” is a foot up the ass of those who might have thought that this was a “one and done” band. These guys have not lost a step in the years since their debut release. The riffs are sludgy and menacing as ever, with a distinct sharpness that will cut through a jugular like a knife through warm butter. Fans of Lividity, Internal Bleeding, Dying Fetus, Decapitated and Atrocious Abnormality will dig what’s going on here.

Although triggered in some areas, the drums are on point and keep the fluency of the rhythm intact from beginning to end. The timing and flow of everything seems to be so chaotic that there is no purpose, but I assure you that there is a finite point to which every aspect of this release comes to and when you realize the insanity of it all; you’ll find yourselves hitting play over and over again trying to make sense of all the madness infecting your minds.

While this release is about as brutal as they come, there is no denying the technical prowess that lay within these tracks. It may sound like a maddening ritual of insanity but listen a little closer and you’ll find talent that bands that have been around for years longer would be envious of. From the riffs to the drums and chords to blast beats, Twitch Of The Death Nerve build up everything by starting from the most elemental of things. You can hear it constantly through the duration of this release. This band is one of those rare bands that can actually make you “feel” the music rather than just hear it. The intensity, the passion, and the hard work put into what they do is surpassed by none. I’ve been a fan of these guys since the debut and I can safely say that they aren’t going to release anything if it doesn’t fit their standards. Some might wonder about those standards considering they type of music they play, but they are no different than any other type or genre. They know what they are capable of, and to release anything less than that would be a disservice to themselves, the fans, and the music they play.

“A Resting Place For The Wrathful” is a release that will solidify Twitch Of The Death Nerve’s position in the underground and at the forefront in the movement of brutal death metal. If you like any of the mentioned in this review, then I recommend you get this CD, play it often, and play it loud! This is a Comatose Music release and a damn fine one it is. Support Comatose Music and support Twitch Of The Death Nerve.

5 / 5 STARS


1. A Resting Place For The Wrathful
2. Ochlocratic Prostration
3. Apotropaic Scarification
4. This Sickening Frailty
5. A Witness To Ruination
6. The Locard Principle
7. Immured In Dissociation
8. Promulgation Of Infected Innards