The Murder Industry - Death Motivation
The Murder Industry are a barbarically brutal death metal band hailing from Espana ( thats spain folks) and are on none other than the legendary, Dave Rotten`s Xtreem Music label. This album starts off as it hopes to continue.Brutal, Blasting and guttural just the way i like it drawing influences from the likes of Nile, Decapitated, Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation. The usual influences you might think. The production on the music i have to say is crystaline clearand delivers quite a punch. I gotta say i like my chugg chugg death metal but theres something in this that somehow feels lack lustre. The songs just become repetitions of themselves and i just found my interest starting to wonder. I cant help but feel the cool parts on this cd and dont get me wrong there are plenty of them have just been "stolen" because trust me you have heard it played a million times by a million other bands. Now that my feel to some quite harsh but unfortunately how things are executed are what set you aside from the rest. Vocal delievery i have to say is very monotone and samey. I love guttural vocals but it seems here that its all the same tone from start to finish. Again, standing out from the rest? And sorry guys, the cover is up there with the worst i seen in a few years. Terrible. All this aside give it a listen, some will like it. Just not this listener.