Roncsipar - Antimomentum

This Hungarian band released its first CD, Antimomentum, with Grindhead Records in 2006 and the work is not quite what one might think of when they think if brutal metal. The sound is a very distorted synth sounding guitar style, much like Rammstein, :Wumpscut:, or even Atari Teenage Riot. None of these groups are metal per se, but all are quality in their own way. It might also be of interest to know that all three groups are German. Roncsipar does not sing in German though, they sing in Hungarian. I like that myself because it marks a cultural intersection I enjoy but it probably will limit their attention in some places (particularly in America) because there are people who actually want to understand every word and do not want sounds to just be for their own sake.

But this “sounds for their own sake” is something Roncsipar excels in. The album is dark, but it does not seem like it is trying to be metal, it is after something else, something more subtle perhaps. They claim on their website to want to filter ambient, drone, and experimental music. I am not quite sure what drone is (unless one thinks of Sunn O)))) exactly, but the album is certainly influenced by dark wave electro bands like Skinny Puppy, KMFDM, and maybe even Pigface. Work with it and it will work with you. It’s not my favorite style but it is something that I will listen to from time to time.

1. Nailed Thoughts
2. Desiredius Erasmus
3. Famine Mind
4. Clinical Sentiment-Terminal
5. Can I Do?
6. Kibera
7. Immanu-el
8. Draconian Pulsation
9. U'l Lik
10. Antimonumentum

Grindhead Records
Reviewer: Jesse
Feb 26, 2009

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