Revel In Flesh/Zombiefication - Eyeless Ghoulish Horror

This split is a no brainer for death metal fans, two highly respected bands adding their input to the mix. First off is Germany’s Revel In Flesh, no strangers to these shores admittedly, however for this track they have really raised the bar. I had one minor niggle over the last couple of full album releases, and that was the drum sound. Well, it’s all sorted and has a much more organic sound now as I listen to this motoring juggernaut of rotten. The guitar sound is always immense from this band and with such momentum on offer here, we look forward to a hopeful new studio album soon.

Mexico’s Zombiefication add more filth with a darker sound, unfortunately a touch more muddier leading to a selection of equalizer tools required on different sound systems. That said, the sinister nature of Mr Hitchcock’s vocals immediately adds a spin to ‘Eternity’s Oblivion’. Adding a second track to the split is a bonus, although out of the two, I enjoyed the German’s assault a touch more, mainly due to the production.

That said, death metal fans and collectors will rejoice here, there’s no manufactured bullshit, no reality show desperate for success crap, this is true underground rotten death metal and damn it feels good to be dirty.

  1. Revel In Flesh - Nightrealm Ghouls: The Dead Will Walk The Earth    
  2. Zombiefication - Eternity's Oblivion      
  3. Zombiefication - The Eyeless Horde