Ravenclaw / Svarrogh - Split

From Atlantida Productions comes this split CD. Ravenclaw is a pagan folk metal band I did not understand with their previous album and still cannot. So it won't be fair to write something because I can't listen to it seriously.
Svarrogh is an one man band (I think) and is playing black metal. A grim aggressive voice predicting dark ages for mankind over fast rhythms. Uncompromising tunes and totally doing his believes about black metal. Besides the fury there are also atmospheric parts in it and intro songs. Not bad.

1. Kovos su kryziuocials
2. Nuolatinial karo zygial
3. Lietuvial nepasiduoda
4. Zutbutinis musis
5. Pergale
6. Pabaiga

7. Baxas xebesheth 1883
8. Welkes schwarz
9. Breathing kathaarian dust
10. Die haemische pein
11. Potoceta nemirni (part 1)
12. Am nebelhain
13. Sa lebedi i vrani
14. Tyzhen dyzhd

Atlantida Productions
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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