Persuaded/Insane Therapy/Bleeding Surface - Dehumnaization Split
I have to say first impressions are generally lasting, and when given this cd, the fluorescent colours and death metal -esque logos make me think of emos with floppy fringes and 8 string guitars. This has metal core written all over it! Though whilst presented with this i cant scrutinize the cd without even putting the cd into my player. Opening the Dehumanization split cd is Turkey`s "Persuaded". I have to say the productions is absolutely quality. The drums sound excellent and maintain a very live sound but keeping great clarity which i really like. The guitars are thick and chunky with absolutely guttural vocals. I have to admit, i am onto the 2nd track, "Killer Instinct" which sounds great. The vocals draw influences from the pig squeal type thing which is rule of thumb for metal core bands theses days. I hear hints of Meshuggah in the syncopation of riffs and of course some off time bits which really add to the feel. But then thats metal core for ya!! I have to admit,whilst the name sucks, these guys arnt half bad!!! "Silent death" is a very death metal tinged song. Whilst having nothing jaw dropping in technicality, the song has alot of groove.
Persuaded`s section of the split is quite enjoyable and quite brutal indeed which paves the way for Italy`s "Insane Therapy" who open their section with "One thousand why" which opens up very similar to At The Gates. Again very much rule of thumb for metal core. This has all the traits:- screamo vocals,singy chorus`s,at the gates esque riffs. This is so uninteresting its shocking. Its the stuff as a metaller you turn the channel over if you see it on tv or you change the radio statio that your listening. These guys sound like they desperately want to be famous. Of course, this too has all the obligatory metal core traits too in the sense of plegarising Meshuggah. Trully boring stuff and one more band to add to the ever growing list of shit metal core bands. Bullshit. Credit were credit is due, the production is great though the drums is very triggered but when the songs suck as much as these guys this is a minor thing.
Bleeding Surface from Turkey open their section with a track "After Plague" which quite frankly couldnt described what i have just hear any better. Again these guys are metal core but i have to say a damn sight nastier sounding. Again opening with a very "At The Gates" sounding riff and into a screamo chorus highlighted by pig squeals into a Meshuggah breakdown. At this stage you all can understand its all colour by numbers and one could be forgiven if really it was the same band playing all of these songs. Bleeding Surface focus alot more on the heavier side of things harnessing alot of groove which allows the listener to headbang maybe a little but one is nearly frightened incase some of those stereotypical gay emo vocals come on! There are some nice technical parts with sweeps and taps etc which sound very similar to Dying Fetus and Misery Index. There is a few nods to Devourment too here with the slams and Gutturals. This cd was an absolute endurance to listen to. There are far too many gay moments in this cd. For every great moment, there are about 5 shit moments which really does not do anything for me. Persuaded are easily the best band on this split in my opinion and the ones that kinda remain true to death metal but the rest is emo. And we all know what we think of that. I would not buy this cd and i strong advise to avoid......unless you like that kinda thing.
Persuaded`s section of the split is quite enjoyable and quite brutal indeed which paves the way for Italy`s "Insane Therapy" who open their section with "One thousand why" which opens up very similar to At The Gates. Again very much rule of thumb for metal core. This has all the traits:- screamo vocals,singy chorus`s,at the gates esque riffs. This is so uninteresting its shocking. Its the stuff as a metaller you turn the channel over if you see it on tv or you change the radio statio that your listening. These guys sound like they desperately want to be famous. Of course, this too has all the obligatory metal core traits too in the sense of plegarising Meshuggah. Trully boring stuff and one more band to add to the ever growing list of shit metal core bands. Bullshit. Credit were credit is due, the production is great though the drums is very triggered but when the songs suck as much as these guys this is a minor thing.
Bleeding Surface from Turkey open their section with a track "After Plague" which quite frankly couldnt described what i have just hear any better. Again these guys are metal core but i have to say a damn sight nastier sounding. Again opening with a very "At The Gates" sounding riff and into a screamo chorus highlighted by pig squeals into a Meshuggah breakdown. At this stage you all can understand its all colour by numbers and one could be forgiven if really it was the same band playing all of these songs. Bleeding Surface focus alot more on the heavier side of things harnessing alot of groove which allows the listener to headbang maybe a little but one is nearly frightened incase some of those stereotypical gay emo vocals come on! There are some nice technical parts with sweeps and taps etc which sound very similar to Dying Fetus and Misery Index. There is a few nods to Devourment too here with the slams and Gutturals. This cd was an absolute endurance to listen to. There are far too many gay moments in this cd. For every great moment, there are about 5 shit moments which really does not do anything for me. Persuaded are easily the best band on this split in my opinion and the ones that kinda remain true to death metal but the rest is emo. And we all know what we think of that. I would not buy this cd and i strong advise to avoid......unless you like that kinda thing.
Reviewer: Connor
Dec 4, 2011
Dec 4, 2011
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Black Epiphany - Catotonic Utopia
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