Nervous Impulse/Meat Cutting Floor/Japanische Kampfhörspiele/Brud – Grind Cuts

Like you and thousands into the underground split releases are a brilliant way of introducing yourself to new bands and whilst the internet and outlets like Bandcamp and other sites may have diluted their appeal slightly I still love them and out of the three bands on this split I was only aware of Nervous Impulse from Canada who are the first listed band on the split and if I’m honest steal the spoils as they are by far the best band in terms of ferocity and sheer power though it does depend on your personal taste. Songs like “Circling The Drain” and “More Hate” are grindcore utopia with a relentless assault via blasting drums that have a dissonant tempo and guitar work that seems to strangle the listener with hooks and riffs as the vocals are sprayed at the listener as though laden with sulphuric acid and topped off with caustic soda. That isn’t to say the band isn’t melodic because they do it extremely well, via tempered slowed down riffs which are ingrained into the songs.

More on the brutal death metal side Meat Cutting Floor from Russia have five short embalming guttural songs that have a slam like poise with a catchy riff style. The bounce riddled beat makes their music easy to absorb on songs like “Fecal Pump” and whilst their songs have a very similar approach it is hard not to be knuckle-dragged along with their no-nonsense approach especially as they are so damn catchy especially “Anal Pedagog” (what does that actually mean - teaching about your arse?). Musically they have some similarities to Mortician on their slower sections as their five tracks close with a Nervous Impulse cover.

The highly prolific German grinders Japanische Kampfhörspiele have six reworked songs from the bands early era that range from discordant hardcore mania to grinding dissonant bedlam that begins with “Dresscode 2017”, the bands maniacal style means that every song never ends with how it began. Surprisingly the songs are longer than I expected which means every song is crammed with a multitude of riffs and teem with tempo changes, as the schizoid vocalisations manifest as demented throughout every song. Rabid, insane yet possessing reams of musicality the songs go through practically every extreme music genre you care to name as “Der Fleischdämon 2017” starts like a thrash song before it veers into traditional grind realms and like I said every track ends with no resemblance to how it started which is what makes this German band exceptionally good especially with songs like “1 Tonne Mensch” and “Ich Habe Mich EntSchieden”.

Finally on this split is Brud from the Ukraine who has a few releases already out and is predominantly brutal death metal. Their vocal style is of the ultra-low gurgling variety that you either love or loathe as their music follows the formulaic path of riff and blast then slow it down for the cool catchy section which works well to break the songs up. “Mushrooms Terror” starts their portion of the split with a catchy riff and initially there is blurring blast cacophony that doesn’t seem to go anywhere until that catchy slow riff section is introduced. The riff to “Completely Happy With The Knife” is very cool, slow and easy to absorb it sets the scene as the double kick joins the affray with the tempo increased and whilst I’ve heard this style many times in many bands for review and at gigs Brud do it very well and with conviction such as “Grindcore Generation” and “Girl With A Scrotum”. Their grindcore credentials are tenuous but evident in the blasting but only just though “Carpathian Orgy” is little closer with its speed and riff style.

This is an excellent split with four quality bands all offering different styles within extreme music whether it is grind or death making it well worth tracking down.

  1. Mouth Breather
  2. The Beer Demon
  3. Circling The Drain
  4. 0Allergic To All Cities
  5. More Hate
  6. Fecal Pump
  7. Anal Pedagog
  8. Ball Shredder
  9. Sobaka
  10. Dead Jeremians (cover Nervous Impulse)
  11. Dresscode 2017
  12. Der Fleischdämon 2017
  13. Im Feld 2017
  14. Wir Gehen In Den Knast 2017
  15. 1 Tonne Mensch 2017
  16. Ich Habe Mich Entschieden 2017
  17. Mushrooms Terror
  18. Completely Happy With Knife
  19. You Always Get Back To The Basics
  20. Grindcore Generation
  21. Carpathian Orgy
  22. Girl With A Scrotum
  23. Live For A Die