Murder Made God - Promo 2011
Out of the ashes of Human Rejection has risen a new Death Metal entity: Murder Made God. The band's debut promo is a few skeletal tracks, but can be completely enjoyed upon the band's Facebook page. Heavy, uncompromising, the music between all three tracks is just guttural, Brutal Death Metal in the vein of groups all the way from Deeds Of Flesh to Decrepit Birth. The drums hammer so fast it sounds like a jackhammer on overdrive but the production is solid enough that everything can be heard properly, from the bellowed vocals all the way to the guitars which sometimes sound like their performing haphazardly in their technicality, which is a good thing on a track like "Hollow Skulls" compared to "Methods Of Humanity" which is a bit too 'chug fest like' and lacks the innovation of the earlier track. Overall, the band doesn't do too much from the general structure of how Death Metal is, but they show lots of promise that will appeal to fans of their older work from Human Rejection as Murder Made God haven't softened up one bit and will just continue to blast away all who oppose them with a solid wall of drumming.