Murder Construct - Results

This is a side project from members of Cattle Decapitation, Intronaut and Exhumed, right from the start it is pretty full on heavy in the sense of the other bands day jobs. Extremity is one word to describe this tirade of noise, another would be heart racing. It’s not often I hear an album that I actually recoil by the sound and think what the hell…in such a short sub 30-minute death/grind release. 

After a calming intro, a slow burning guttural growl ‘Red All Over’ gets a real move on and hits the ground running with shared aggressive vocals, a massive blast beat persona and a musical form of chaos will certainly make your blood boil. Rather than have “core” in their grind, this is much more in your face, there is little movement to take a breath and this continues straight into ’Under the Weight of the Wood’. I reckon this will sound horrible live, it is very busy, very “riffy” underneath some bloody brutal fast death/grind, that really sounds good on cd/mp3. ‘Dead Hope’ has black metal soundscapes via the chord structure and presentation, but then it all goes tits up and manic, did you really think they would change styles that much! I do lose interest in this release as the formula is very much the same from track to track. It is not until the final track ‘Resultados’ that Murder Construct show some time variations, a little atmosphere with a touch of middle eastern sound thrown in for good measure, piano, sitar, violins, you name it…but for me, this is too random and feels like this is something the band want you to hear, a little too contrived. 

‘Results’ is nothing short of a breath-taking whirlwind of aggression, but that is where I lay my hat, it’s a decent side project but I do think that this is where it will remain. Extremity is all well and good but I am not convinced that the release will be remembered or revered much in time to come, but I will no doubt be proven wrong!


  1. Red All Over
  2. Under The Weight Of The Wood
  3. No Question, No Comment
  4. Gold Digger
  5. Compelled By Mediocrity
  6. The Next Life
  7. Dead Hope
  8. Feign Ignorance
  9. Mercy, Mercy
  10. Malicious Guilt
  11. Resultados

Reviewer: twansibon
Oct 28, 2012

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