Mindful Of Pripyat - And Deeper I Drown In Doom

Disc done in the CD-Player and thought, what's that? This can be anything! I hear a very simplistic intro. It could be from a horror movie. Ghostly noises come out of the box. 30 almost endless and agonizing seconds waiting for a start of the disk and that the intro may come to an end. The end is coming and then ..... wow ... what a board! And we think again, what is it? Purest Grindcore greets one. In a merciless pace you get one by one in the face! Under this force itself Hulk would go to the ground. But slowly.

The album is called "... And Deeper, I Drown In Doom ..." and was recorded in late 2014 in the Toxic Basement Studios by the band Mindful Of Pripyat. As three young freaks from a dystopian and dilapidated suburb of Milano in Italy have done together to cries out human error of our post-apocalyptic future. And that was good, because otherwise there would not be this brilliant album. What you get is 16 songs in just 22 minutes. Best produced and mixed, there is no fault. Absolutely perfect mixed - great sound. So we can quickly come to more important things, the music. And the music is, as initially mentioned, worst punches as it could be. Every true grindcore fan must be impressed and charmed. No unnecessary frills, no fucking solos on the, no stupid samples. Pure unending Grindcore.

Somehow I come before this album like a giant, man-hunting, spider. First, the spider waits and watches, waiting for the right time and then the spider jumps quickly out of their hiding place. So fast that the first victim will not notice what hit them. The spider jumps on people, chasing them their tusks in the body and injects its venom, which works faster than the mind of his victims, and so die this without knowing it. The other men flee for help, screaming, in all directions, but the spider named Mindful Of Pripyat is faster and no victim can escape. People who do not want to directly killed by the spider, easily spun and lifted for a midnight snack. The spider makes ultimately no prisoners, no one is spared, all the victims are killed and sucked down to the last drop of blood. The spider goes nevertheless respect fascinating elegant, so that anyone who looks at her with murder in addition to a vile disgust also respect and feelings for the spider and must attend the bustle until the end. And so it is with this album. Once started this album is unstoppable and you can not escape its spell. Regardless probably every song on this album has a certain spice but I think 'Rusty Skin' is one of the best songs and is therefore a real tip. Buy this disc!

  1. Containment
  2. Liquidators
  3. Chernobitch
  4. Cleansed By Fallout
  5. Lone In Town
  6. Deterrence
  7. Deep Water Coffin
  8. Mindful Of Pripyat
  9. Oblivion Descends
  10. Rusty Skin
  11. 40 Seconds
  12. Maruta
  13. Rabid
  14. G.W.I.
  15. Impressions Of A Sick Mind
  16. Contagion

Reviewer: Rolf
Jul 2, 2015
Next review: Dysentery - Fragments

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