Lady Beast - Lady Beast
NWOB Heavy Metal.... Pittsburgh style. Female fronted, five piece awesomeness. Judas Priest and Iron Maiden influenced
Lady Beast
Torpedoed into oblivion this track is crafted to perfection and very metal! There’s no sleeping here it’s a metal party all the way, with twisting tempered rhythms that flourish with energy and ignites the spark that makes you want to bang your head furiously to its mesmerising beats. Superb!
Metal Rules
Intriguing build-up of familiar old school rhythms that take hold with immediate effect. Check out the shredding its immense shit! I bet the blood flies at one of their gigs! Wholly contagious listen with fiery attitude! Metal rules – Hell yeah!
The Lost Boys
Another finger blistering track from Lady Beast! Hitting all the right spots and ticking all the right boxes. Good melodic vocal that compliments the chugging rhythms. This has an expanding seduction that carries it to new levels of ferocity – and loving the ending – really great! Loving it!
Really great skilled track with bruising tempos and more blistering riffs – I bet the guitarists are playing on bone now – no flesh on those fingers. Strong enthralling vocal and a bass hook that would catch a lot of fish enticing you to feed upon its bait! Plenty of melodic sway and intense rhythms. Extremely catchy! With great lyrics.
Brutal chugger that smacks of sheer pleasure with unrestrained melodies and building twisting rhythms that are really enthralling. More ferocious shredding ensues with a mighty power of ruggedness. Not for the faint of heart!
When Desire Is Stronger Than Fear
Slightly similar to the last track but the fire and ferocity is still welcome. It manages to capture the imagination and strikes the light that fuels the explosion with a strong velocity of magnitude.
Hot Pursuit
Lots of melodic enterprise with its chugging qualities that are accelerated with more of Lady Beast’s power! Provocative and emotive with lyrical passion. Offering in turn an urgent feisty surge of metal prowess. This is spectacular!
Go For The Bait
A deliciously flavoured track that deserves to be savoured but not after sampling its rich deserts! More shredding than a mad cat on speed! This really fires the excitement and constantly delivers on every level!
Ram It Down (cover Judas Priest)
Judas Priest – move over - you have now been outrun by Lady Beast! More than just a merely satisfying listen this really grips with a tight hold that never loosens for a second!
Thrilling and irresistible you could do a lot worse than listen to Lady Beast well worth wrapping yourself in their stupendous rhythms and catchy melodies with tight melodic guitar that literally shreds like a beast! Wow I just realised I haven’t taken a breath since listening to this album... now gasping for air! It is mesmerizingly superb! If this don’t get you moving your head then you are indeed lying on a slab in a mortuary somewhere! It will even wake the dead, no mistake!
Lady Beast
Torpedoed into oblivion this track is crafted to perfection and very metal! There’s no sleeping here it’s a metal party all the way, with twisting tempered rhythms that flourish with energy and ignites the spark that makes you want to bang your head furiously to its mesmerising beats. Superb!
Metal Rules
Intriguing build-up of familiar old school rhythms that take hold with immediate effect. Check out the shredding its immense shit! I bet the blood flies at one of their gigs! Wholly contagious listen with fiery attitude! Metal rules – Hell yeah!
The Lost Boys
Another finger blistering track from Lady Beast! Hitting all the right spots and ticking all the right boxes. Good melodic vocal that compliments the chugging rhythms. This has an expanding seduction that carries it to new levels of ferocity – and loving the ending – really great! Loving it!
Really great skilled track with bruising tempos and more blistering riffs – I bet the guitarists are playing on bone now – no flesh on those fingers. Strong enthralling vocal and a bass hook that would catch a lot of fish enticing you to feed upon its bait! Plenty of melodic sway and intense rhythms. Extremely catchy! With great lyrics.
Brutal chugger that smacks of sheer pleasure with unrestrained melodies and building twisting rhythms that are really enthralling. More ferocious shredding ensues with a mighty power of ruggedness. Not for the faint of heart!
When Desire Is Stronger Than Fear
Slightly similar to the last track but the fire and ferocity is still welcome. It manages to capture the imagination and strikes the light that fuels the explosion with a strong velocity of magnitude.
Hot Pursuit
Lots of melodic enterprise with its chugging qualities that are accelerated with more of Lady Beast’s power! Provocative and emotive with lyrical passion. Offering in turn an urgent feisty surge of metal prowess. This is spectacular!
Go For The Bait
A deliciously flavoured track that deserves to be savoured but not after sampling its rich deserts! More shredding than a mad cat on speed! This really fires the excitement and constantly delivers on every level!
Ram It Down (cover Judas Priest)
Judas Priest – move over - you have now been outrun by Lady Beast! More than just a merely satisfying listen this really grips with a tight hold that never loosens for a second!
Thrilling and irresistible you could do a lot worse than listen to Lady Beast well worth wrapping yourself in their stupendous rhythms and catchy melodies with tight melodic guitar that literally shreds like a beast! Wow I just realised I haven’t taken a breath since listening to this album... now gasping for air! It is mesmerizingly superb! If this don’t get you moving your head then you are indeed lying on a slab in a mortuary somewhere! It will even wake the dead, no mistake!