Hyperial - Industry

From the opening tune ‘Of Concrete and Ash Age’, this Polish band have a real industrialised death metal sound, a hybrid between Meshuggah’s syncopation and Behemoth’s in your face delivery, stretching and tantalising your senses with their extreme form of death metal. There are a few blackened influences and rather a lot of atmosphere that is primarily keyboard led and this is a positive leading to what I have already mentioned in the depth and atmosphere understating the rapid, furious cluster bomb traditional approach of Polish death metal.

It would be slightly unfair to brandish this group as “modern sounding”, but it is for me! Whilst straying far enough away from anything core (the keyboards mask what breakdowns that do exist), they lean very much towards the aforementioned two bands, a very European sound. However, if I am honest, if they did not add the keyboards then this would simply be another hyperblast through a tried and tested recipe. The groove catches you occasionally especially during ‘Rotted Society’, of course this is if you have survived the preceding blast madness.

This is a stark reality check, it is not something that is totally out of the box, a lot of this style already exists elsewhere, their delivery cannot be faulted and I suppose it depends how really into this style you are. Hyperial cut their teeth with some of the best in the business although I am not convinced this EP is strong enough to stand out from the chasing crowd, as valiant as it is.



  1. Of Concrete And Ash Age
  2. Rotted Society
  3. Toxic Secretion Of Being
  4. Industry
  6. The Eternal Paradise Of The Illusion


Self released
Reviewer: twansibon
Jan 26, 2013

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