Grond - Steel Coffins

After nearly five years of silence, Russian Death Metal outlet Grond return with their first EP. 'Steel Coffins' is a rather mid paced but well produced effort that features a basic, yet effective approach of crushing music in the vein of groups like Asphyx or even Grave. The opening title track starts out slow and atmospheric and slowly builds with bellowing vocals- thankfully audible- and just a very slow, crawling approach but just enough with a bit of a Thrash influence to keep from seeming boring. Other tracks like "Azagthoth" seem almost like demo tracks as the pace picks up and the sound is much rawer- save for the drums- and shows Grond's faster side. "Stinking Suicide" is certainly a groovy effort that churns along on a Death n' Roll fashion but sounds almost more along the lines of the group doing an AC/DC cover. The only track that doesn't quite stand out as being part of Grond's efforts is the Celtic Frost cover which is much too slow compared to the other tracks, but Grond do a good job at giving it a Death Metal touch while keeping the formula relatively close to the original. Overall, for those who like Death Metal raw yet crisp with a bit of a harsh bite that isn't too fast, then 'Steel Coffins' is something to sink one's ears into.

  1. Steel Coffins
  2. Rlieh
  3. Dethroned Emperor (cover Celtic Frost)
  4. Azagthoth
  5. Homo Ferus
  6. Stinking Suicide
  7. Innsmouth
  8. Grond