Forgjord - Ajasta Ikuisuuteen

Awesome Black Metal straight from  the mystical land of Finland. Forgjord have been around since 1995 and were formely known as: 'Brightness of Darkness' then went through 2 more name changes 'Winterflesh' + 'Iceage' before finally settling for their current name "Forgjord" in '99 (Forgjord is actually a Swedish word in rough translation meaning destroyed).

Forgjord's current line up consists of: Prokrustes Thanatos - vocals/chants, drums Njafrar and Valgrinder - guitar (Bestial Devestaion, Gaurithoth, Njafrar+Pimeys).

"Ajasta" is the the second full length release by Forgjord and even though I find it alittle raw it is still very melodic and creates an atmosphere of melancholy with strong vocals jam packed with hate. I got the impression that the raw primitive sound is what this band was going for with this album and if so they mangaed to pull this off very well. There are unexpected turns with the riff and mood changes within these tracks and to me this creates beauty within the masacre. The sound quality lies somewhere in the middle here, not thin but not full either. There is alot going on here and all is pulled off with feeling and skill. The tracks are well composed and each stands out on it's own.

I love the distorted guitar sound and the half muffled tribal sound of the drums (yet at times the drums also can sound very classic heavy metal especeally in the last track Whan  Ruumillistama), even though some experiemental happenings are going on here (with some odd accrustics and even abit of piano). Forgjord still manages to keep all within the realms of classic Black Metal. "Ajasta" is definately a fresh and unique album and TRUE fans of metal will really appreciate this one. Gets my rating of 5/5 and am looking forward to getting to know more of this band's works both past and future.

1. Alkusoitto 

2. Kristuksen Malja, Ruumis ja Veri 

3. Veljeskunta 

4. Suohauta 

5. Surman Säkeet 

6. Itseensä Kahlittu 

7. Vihan Ruumiillistama
Hammer Of Hate
Reviewer: twansibon
Jun 26, 2009

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