Fascists To Ashes - The Return Of The King

E = MC Hammer!

Well from the truly inspirational Iskalde Morket to the downright bizarre we have Fascists to Ashes – It is so emotionally disabling, can Norfolk survive this? – No more needs to be said!

Penis Popper
‘Shouty’ violence with extreme vengeance if not tongue in cheek but still superb in its own way! No doubt will incite a mosh pit larger than Australia when played live!

The Triceratops That Couldn’t Hold Down A Stable Career
“Also I cloned a dinosaur in my lab, she is now my girlfriend. I don’t care what society says, it’s the best sex I have ever had!” The rhythms to this track alone are just superb!

Mack Is Cool
More garbled ‘shouty’ violence but don’t worry it only lasts 5 seconds L

Great drumming! With a nearly almost harmonious vocal  :O

I’m A Tramp, What’s Your Excuse?
“Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? “Probably not!” “No! But I do it anyway, because it’s sterile and I like the taste! Ha-ha” What can these guys come up with next? But still, you can always wash it down with some good old melodic swathe.

Politician Grinder
Bump and grind this track has a lot of aggression contained within it and if your head don’t move then you got no head! Loads of ‘sweary’ shit – love it!

“This album is the most intelligent, insulting album I have ever heard! – yelling does not equal passion!” Maybe not, but it helps!

Fish Molester
Hahaha – don’t break the Law by pleasuring yourself with a live fish! Done to some more cheeky tongue in groove messy shit!

I just love these guys! I so want them to come to Liverpool to fester in all their savagery and tom foolery! I think I am losing it big time! But what better way to lose it than by enjoying Fascists to Ashes?? Still, I suppose I could go and drink my own piss or pleasure myself with a battered cod, making sure it’s dead though as I would not want to break any laws!

Thoroughly crazy and fucked up – sounds a lot like me actually! Just off to give a Triceratops some lessons in job hunting... it may take some time – Gotta find me a Triceratops? Any ideas? I may try Norfolk first! Never let it be said I am not as diverse as the bands I listen to!


  1. Penis Popper
  2. The Triceratops That Couldn’t Hold Down A Stable Career
  3. Mack Is Cool
  4. Grin/Bnp
  5. I’m A Tramp, What’s Your Excuse?
  6. Politician Grinder
  7. Rftp
  8. Fish Molester

Self released
Reviewer: Pagan Hel
May 12, 2013

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