Degenerhate - Chronicles Of The Apocalypse

The second output by a band that has existed for 13 years since 2002? And the first output was an EP in 2005? Fuck, these guys from the capital of Italy take their time or they simply want to make it right. First things first. It seems that they want to make it right but my first impression was that this debut-album would be one of many others, because the intro is too long and is really not a revelation. But then the first song begins. The intro is immediately forgotten. Better yet, now you know why the intro is so boring and long. A terrible storm of violence and brutality is falling abruptly. 17 songs of pure grindcore play nearly 26 minutes. All in top-quality sound. Guitars- perfectly mixed and really brutal. Drums - in one piece and absolutely perfect in sound and in way of playing. A voice that fits exactly to the music. These five guys know how to make grindcore. And they know what components to put together so it is a chopping-off of your head.

My favorite song is 'Bushit' the first song after the intro. 0:53 min pure grindcore and what I really like about this song is the way of singing. It pans. Into a deep, never-ending aggression. Which then stops after a minute. But not to end, no, to then go straight on. On and on, song for song, and it is not possible to stop. You listen to a song and wait expectantly for next song. Wait for what may come. Another cool song is 'Breeding Hatred Inside' which is brutally brutal as all the other songs, but a little bit more if you take a closer look. Strikingly, the chorus is sung differently and therefore really stands out from the other songs. But more interesting is the bassline in the short verse. Really interesting and because the whole thing is kept so short when listening to it, I want to hear the song again and again. And so in every song there can be found something special. And this is achievable for only a few bands. And certainly not with the debut album.

Great album that is really fun listening to it. The only thing that really bothers me about this album is the outro. It is nearly the same like the intro, but for this brilliant album that is forgivable. So I can absolutely recommend Chronicles Of The Apocalypse to all friends of death metal and grindcore. And to everyone else who likes fast and extreme music.

  1. Intro
  2. Bushit
  3. Earth First
  4. War Inside My Head
  5. Behind The Black Horizon
  6. Power
  7. All The Promises That I Have Made
  8. Canibal Ritual
  9. Breeding Hatred Inside
  10. Fur Is Dead
  11. Another You Another Me
  12. Last Fight
  13. New World Disorder
  14. No Excuses Anymore
  15. Running Through The Blood
  16. Under The Same Sky
  17. Song Of Hate And Destruction
  18. Turn Off The TV Turn On The Brain
  19. Outro

Reviewer: Rolf
Mar 23, 2015
Next review: 0xist - One Eon

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