Cremaster - Boletus Satanas

This is a new disc from Polands humor mixing death, thrash and grindcore band Cremaster. Were their previous songs mostly in Polish they now jumped to English. And now you finally can enjoy their twisted minds. A lot of things happen in the songs. Various tempos, different vocal styles, stamping rhythms etc. You will also find references to other bands (Therion, Deep Purple etc) Like a metal puzzle... This is a record that has a high entertaining value and with some beers it is even better.

1. Boletus Satanas (masive intro)
2. Slayin` alive
3. Streets of London
4. Antichristian hanky-panky
5. Bagpack ate my mom
6. Porno terrorizer
7. Therion indeed
8. Rabbit fire (between your eyes)
9. Hot pants anal ysis
10. ZOO
11. Calcium Satanas
12. God of empty-full
13. Grand declaration of beer
14. Fell-latio
15. Scooter on the water
16. Scamp
17. (good) Afternoon palace
18. Piccolo choro dell`antichristo
19. Meat sandwich (with cheeeeese)
Conquer Records
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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