Blasting Hatred - Wak'a Atiy Kasu

This review is strictly for those who think that Nile is the epitome of death metal. If you think Nile sucks, stop reading now as you will find nothing interesting in these bad boyz from Colombia. Those guys must really worship Nile. As soon as you start listening to "Blasting Hatred", you get the feeling that this is what Nile should have released right after 'In Their Darkened Shrines'. Majestic themes that lay as a wall behind wildly raging blastbeats, and riffs that tend to bring an aura of the Pharaohs. Although those guys are straight on the other side. Deeply influenced by Latin America history. The Aztecs and the Mayans and their culture in general. It is their culture after all. These guys come from Colombia remember?The whole release places you in ancient times when man used to eat men. Sacrificing to their gods that hungered for human blood. And of course they do not stick to the pre hispanic atmosphere they succesfully create. When it comes to death metal they are more than willing to blast everything in their way. We are talking about skillful players here. After all it takes more than enough skill to even think you can play like Nile... Imagine now what those guys here can do with their instruments, since their 2010 full length "Wak'a Atiy Kasu" is Nile's wet dream since 2002!

"Wak'a Atiy Kasu" has the freshness they lost and I am sure Karl Sanders would be really jealous if he listened this masterwork... damn it. I hate to compare a new band (cause they are a new band indeed, they have a demo of 2006 and their full length of 2010) with a world class titan but once you listen to "Wak'a Atiy Kasu" you will agree with me that it is definitely Nile. And maybe that is it's only weakness. The type of death metal they are playing has the American band (Nile) as a main representative, and whoever tries to play like this can't escape this comparison. I have listened to it a million times and I am definitely listening to it more. It is an easy to listen record although it is really big. We're talking about 13 songs of 4 minutes average time each so make the math for your self. I assure you though. You won't feel tired for a sec. You won't even try to close the CD player or even change the music. It completely swallows you in with it. Their wrathful performance has no match. Completely awesome drummer that combines blastbeats with blastbeats and all rounds up with a great blast beat. I wander why they didn't use any blast beats hehe... The kick drum hardly falls under 32-bits and the metronome is usually over 200 bpm! The guitar work is simply awesome. Great riffs with really catchy structure match with great lead parts and even greater solos, all following Egypt-themed scales! In their case pre hispanic themed scales. The vocalist is the beast that will haunt your dreams for eternity, screaming-growling and all together. A great production and an even greater performance by the band is what completes this ancient spirit of destruction from Colombia. Straight in your face fucking death metal. Suck your teeth into it!

P.S.The whole record comes in 100% ecological recycled paper.....


  1. The Fallen Of Achikee
  2. Stalking Pagki In The Deepness
  3. Apukuntur
  4. Mojas
  5. Tsantsa Chapter I (Black Art Of Reducing Heads)
  6. Tsantsa Chapter II (Spell To Contain The Emesek's A Rise)
  7. Tsantsa Chapter III (...For Emesek's Return)
  8. The Mictlan
  9. Xilaba's Path
  10. The Heads Shall Roll
  11. Sacred Spirits Of Ancient Animals
  12. A Cloak Of Eyes
  13. Kataklismik Wrath Of Chibchacum (Bonus Track)