Basement Torture Killings – A Night Of Brutal Torture

These British lads formed the band in 2007 and make aggressive and brutal grindcore/deathmetal. A funny fact is that the name of the band is the abbreviation of BTK, or ‘Bind, Torture and Kill’. People who know some of the world’s most (in)famous serial killers, will know. This band is working hard on the road and they’re described as one of the most hardworking acts in the UK. I once saw their video ‘Severed Head Fellatio’ taken from the album ‘The Second Cumming’ (2010) and is a kind of Snuff-movie.

The overall sound is well-produced and benefits from the combination of dual vocals, which are striking. The songs are well constructed with well-placed samples and guitar solos. The drumming is tight and technical. This portion sick music is recommended if you love for example countrymen Gorerotted (UK 1997-2008).

I think the artwork is not that great, but it fits well with the music they make. The themes of the songs are dark and perverse. Exactly what a fan of this genre can expect. The grunts are well understood, allowing you to hear more of the content. That cannot be said of all the bands in this scene. This machine continues to rage out of my speakers and is a must for fans of this genre. Nice going, BTK!

1. Progressive Depravity 
2. Basement Bitch 
3. Car Trunk Caroline 
4. Gormasmic Movements In The Dark 
5. Minus Fingers Teeth And Toes 
6. Suffocation 
7. Kept In A Hole 
8. Malleus Maleficarum 
9. Without Permission Forced Submission 
10. Kill For Satan