Apocalyptic Visions - Doomsday Device

Calling themselves the angriest band in America is asking for troubles. A lot of bands claim this title but Apocalyptic Visions is not the angriest of them. Maybe in the personal life but not musically. Don't get me wrong. This is no pussy album but a venomous itch of brutality. Grunting vocals over a fulldrum blast beat and skin stripping twin guitars. This is top notch old school death metal. Especially the drums are hacking around with the bone bruising beats. Despise the brutality there is a sense of melody in the songs so forget the monotonousity and fucking enjoy the satanic massacre.

1. I Demand Blood
2. In Battle Born
4. Invocation Of Silence
5. Doomsday Device
6. Bastard Son Of Nazareth
7. Impurity
8. Slaughtered Lamb
9. Bonecleaner
10. Teeth
11. Deathblow
Self released
Reviewer: twansibon
Feb 26, 2009

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