Ages In Oblivion - Years Of Abuse
Ages in Oblivion is by their own description is a thrashy and progressive, blackened and grindy project from the US (Massachusetts) featuring sole member Sam Kirsch (vocals, bass, guitars and “drums”) – one assumed programmed drums here... The music is certainly multifaceted as described, but overall I do find this rather random, confusing and sporadic in nature. There is not much consistency within each of the tracks to my mind until ‘Arkan’s Tigers’ and latter album tracks appear. Then you will hear something that maybe recognizable.
Overall you could claim this as death metal, but there are Godflesh industrial, djent, grind, noise, doom death and all sorts mixed up amongst this chaos. Some of these facets are very redeeming such as on ‘Fear Itself’, but the majority of this release I find myself wondering what the hell is going on, where’s the melody? Where’s the self-control? It’s very much an out of control juggernaut that fits with a studio project rather than a consistent album that suits a live show setting.
Nov 20, 2013
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