The catchy hooks of Audrey Horne

Originally started as a side project. Audrey Horne is kinda like a who's who of The Norwegian music scene with members playing in other bands like enslaved and sagh. With their upcoming fourth album release titled "Youngblood". Aubrey Horne has proven they're not some fly by night supergroup. I appreciate this music so much it has pining for the old days when music was real and it had passion and feeling. Toschie was willing to answer some questions.
Good day to you how's things going with the band so far?
Good dat to you too, All is well here thanks. We have just finished our 4th album, with all the stuff that includes, and now we have just started the work with promoting it, and we are looking forward to the release. So we are happy and exhausted at the same time.
If you can give a brief story on how the Audrey Horne and how long the band been together?
We started out as a side-project 10 years ago. It was the result of some guys who played in metal bands that wanted to play hard rock that was more in the lines of the music that they grew up with. They were looking for a singer that wasn't a typical metal singer. I was in a band called Sylvia Wane at the moment, which were more influenced by bands such as Sugar, Veruca Salt, Swervedriver and Bob Mould. Our drummer, Kjetil, and myself knew each other already, so he called me and asked if I wanted to try out. I did, and discovered that they had some amazing tunes, and were brilliant musicians. We started to work on our first record pretty fast, and while we did so, we landed a record deal. The album came out and became pretty successful in our home country, Norway, and we received a grammy for it. After that we just kept on going, and got more and more attention outside of Norway. And here we are, 10 years later.
Which bandmate came up with naming the Audrey Horne and why that name?
It was our keyboard player at the time, (Herbrand Larsen of Enslaved), and it came up as a result of the other guys liking my former bands name, and the fact that it was a girls name, (Sylvia Wane). We decided to come up with a name that was pure fiction, but Herbrand was watching Twin Peaks at the time, and suggested Audrey Horne. We felt that it was a fitting name, and also a name that people would recognize, even though they might not remember from where. It is also a cool name in itself.
How many albums the band on your prior label before getting picked up by Napalm?
We released or first EP "Confessions and alcohol", album "No Hay Banda" on Tuba Records. Our second album "Le Fol", and third album "Audrey Horne" on Indie Recordings
What drew the band to sign with Napalm?
We have had a very good relationship with Indie, but we felt it was time for a change, and when we got offers from several different labels now, we decided to go with Napalm because they seem to be very into the band, and had a good promotion plan, and an idea of how we should be presented. They also offered the best deal, so all in all it was an easy decision.
Tell the readers about the upcoming album "Youngblood" and when the expected release date?
It is an album of classic hard rock,with strong melody lines, catchy hooks and mind-blowing good guitar riffs. It was recorded mostly live in studio, so it has a lot of energy. I would say that if you love the classic albums made in the 70`s and 80`s, the you will love this one as well. It is not a retro album or a nostalgia trip, but more a modern sounding rock album, with the musical vibes of that time. It will be out on the 5th of February in the US.
I been listening to the new album and it reminds me some of the bands I grew up listening to when I was younger?
Well, we have never tried to hide that our main influences are a lot of the bands from those days : Kiss, Iron Maiden, Thin Lizzy, Rainbow, Van Halen, Deep Purple etc. But we also draw influences from bands like Faith No More, Alice in Chainc, Radiohead and all other good music that are being made today.
Also noticed the southern rock influences too?
Oh yeah ? Possibly, but it is not intentional. Although I think "Free Bird" is one of the best songs ever written, so maybe we are subconsciously.
When the band planning to come to the States?
No confirmed plans as of yet, but hopefully next fall.
I know Ice Dale is currently playing in Enslaved. Which other bands you and your bandmates currently involved in?
Thomas plays in a band called Sahg, Kjetil plays in Deride, Espen plays with anyone who wants to play with him, and I play with myself......
What is the band's goal for 2013?
Hopefully our album will be well received, and we get as much gigs as possible. And I also hope we get to go over and play for you guys again soon. Fame and fortune man!
Paul Lewis
Dec 20, 2012
Dec 20, 2012
Next interview:
The non musicians of Chainsaw Penis
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