Revel In Flesh's try out for upcoming album
The idea for Revel In Flesh was born in autumn 2011 when it was obvious that Immortal Rites was falling more or less apart. Revel In Flesh is like a new musical beginning in the way of delivering a non - compromise band under the banner of classical Death Metal. Their debut album "Deathevokation" was released in spring 2012 and currently the band is working on the folluw up. As a taster a 7" named "Bonecrusher" will be released and noly on vinyl. I asked Haubersonn why.
Hi Haubersson, how are things?
Hi readers and especially you Paul, cool to talk to you again!
Well, after Party San festival we’ve had a little sort of rehearsal break in Revel In Flesh, but there are some more shows coming up in 2012 like gigs with Dead and Puteraeon, so the gathering for some deadly Death Metal injection will continue soon!!!
You have a new 7 inch split ‘Bonecrusher’ coming out soon, can you tell me some details please?
Well; the official title of the split 7”EP will be “Within the morbid ossuary” and we will share the split with Swedish label comrades Revolting. Both bands will come up with new and so far unreleased material. The Revel In Flesh track will be entitled “Bonecrsuher” – a 7 minutes tune; more epic Death/Doom in style. It’s a really massive and heavy tune; showing also some new sides in our musical development... but don’t worry; it’s still about the classical way of death metal.
When did you record this? And why release it as7" and not on CD?
“Bonecrusher” was already written and recorded in January / February 2012 with some minor changes and add on at a later point. It has been the first song we’ve written after “Deathevokation”. Again all basic recordings have been done at Vault M. Studios, the studio of Revel In Flesh guitarist Maggesson.
The special thing this time is that Dan Swanö/UNnisound Studios has taken care about the mix and the mastering. It has been a sort of “try out” for the upcoming 2ndalbum.
The 7”EP should be a collector item; the next CD release will be our 2ndalbum later in 2013.
Do you have some gruesome artwork planned? Who was commissioned to draw it?
Yes, it’s gonna be a classical black/white drawn artwork done by Juanjo Castellano, who also did the arts for the “Deathevokation” album. He really knows how to transfer the Revel ideas into a visual form and I think it’s gonna be a sort of trademark think to us.
Was there a choice of artist to do the split release with? (sorry, I know nothing else about it other than the title, have not heard the track either!)
Well, Revel In Flesh is still a small and unknown underground act; so why the hell should we complain about choice etc.; we’re damned happy to be a part of deal with Swedish Revolting. I’ve been in contact with Rogga Johansson actually since 2003/2004, so it took a while, but finally we can share a common musical release. Sometimes it takes a while, Ha! Ha!
We spoke a little while back, but Revel in Flesh has had a very good year so far. I mean there are not many bands that have a debut gig with the mighty Paganizer and Goregast! How did that go down?
Well Paul, yes 2012 has been a good year so far for Revel In Flesh, but you have to see it like this: Sometimes in life it’s simply about being there at the right time, with the right thing at the right place. We’ve did “Deathevokation” with no intention; it just flowed out of us after the idea of “just doing a demo for ourselves”; later on it became an album the rest is know history. It’s all about enjoying what you truley like, what you feel a passion for. Nothing more nothing less!!!
The first show with Paganizer & Goregast was beyond all expectations; a really packed place, lots of maniacs, many already knew our material – it felt unreal. It was my first show as a “frontman” – it’s a real challenge and there’s still room to improve, but that’s how it should be!!!
Knowing a little of your history, I guess Party San 2012 was a dream gig for you. How was that weekend?
Yes, another “unreal” like thing. We’ve played the newcomer tentstage at Party San; it was really packed with people. God damned I was so fuckin’ nervous before the show; it felt like close to heart attack, Ha! Ha! We’ve got a really good feedback, even afterwards people writing to us and ordering stuff.
Of course it was a “dream come true”; we feel absolutely thankful to the Party Sanbookers for giving us the trust and support. But speaking generally there were a lot of promising German newcomer bands at this years tent stage; just check Chapel Of Disease, Obscure Infinity or December Flower if you like to hear some promising new stuff from Germany.
There are other shows coming up, do you intend to continue this touring cycle in the short term or have you plans to record a second album?
Both, but we don’t call it touring. All of us have regular jobs; 3 of us are already 30+ and daily life isn’t that easy & free as it should be. We will continue with a couple of well selected weekend gigs; play and enjoy what we can fulfill beside our regular working schedule.
It may sound crazy to you, but the new Revel In Flesh album is more or less already written and recorded. We still have to figure out the final song settings; prepare the final recordings for the mix and mastering process; work on the cover etc. – we’ve worked with high intension this year, but it felt more like flowing instead of pressing. The new songs will be still Revel In Flesh in style, but with new aspects as well. You simply have to wait and hear’ em, Ha! Ha!
Until the next time, cheers.
Paul, I wanna thank you for supporting us. Hopefully we can play the UK one day and meet in person; would be nice!!!
All those who wanna find out more about our music, merchandise etc. feel free to check our sites. Cheers from Germany!
Sep 24, 2012
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