Lunatic Gods buried outside the cemetery

The band LUNATIC GODS was founded at the beginning of the summer of 1994 by Hirax (guitars), Psycho (drums), Mortis (vocals) and King (keyboards). They decided to name this band BESTIALIT at first and the band played brutal death metal – grind core. They were immediately contacted by METAL AGE PRODUCTIONS who offered them a chance for they first release. BESTIALIT didn’t hesitate and METAL AGE released a split CD BESTIALIT / DEHYDRATED in the beginning of the year ’94. A few months later two new members Richard (bass guitar) and Emil (vocals) entered the line-up. The band realised that the name BESTIALIT was not suitable for the atmosphere of the new compositions anymore; therefore the name was changed to LUNATIC GODS. After some time the Italian label POLYPHEMUS RECORDS offered them a contract for a CD and the debut of LUNATIC GODS “Inhuman and Insensible” was released in the spring of 1996.
The new material “Sitting by the Fire” was released by METAL AGE PRODUCTIONS.
Then followed an EP “Cuckoo“ which was released in 1999. There are two songs. One of them, “Cuckoo“, was previously unreleased and most probably will never be released again. The other song is a cover of famous “Phantom Lord“ (METALLICA). This song was exclusively recorded for Italian label ENERGIE RECORDS and released on a double CD tribute to METALLICA.
Year 2000 was critical for band because the singer Mortis and keyboards player King left the band. New members became Horar (vocals) and Luboslav (guitar). The band got fresh wind and prepared new material “The Wilderness“, that was finally relesaed by SHINDY PRODUCTIONS. Meanwhile the band played with such stars like King Diamond, Vader or Krabathor, even plenty of own clubings and concerts.
interview with Hirax (guitarist) on 03-03-2002
Please give us a short introduction of your self?
I'm 30. When I was 13 I started to listen to bands like AC/DC and MOTORHEAD. When I was 18 I started to play guitar. I think my beginnings were quite terrible and therefore nobody wanted to teach me. Few years later I was an instrumentalist of the year in Czech and Slovak METAL HAMMER, which I find damn laughable.
Why do you use the nickname Hirax?
When we were young (me and my friends) we all had nicknames after our favorite bands. I and the drummer Psycho still use it.
Any reaction from Katon?
These are Katon's words: : ’Hirax, if you could, please spread the word to all your friends and let them know that HIRAX IS COMING! ... it's an honor that you use our name!’ You know, he extorts me now and I have to spread tittle-tattles... hahaha.
What kind of metal did you played in Bestialit?
We played simple and straight death-grind. Our fist foru songs were released on a split CD with DEHYDRATED. It was the first Slovak underground metal CD in Slovakia. Unfortunately the sound was terrible. Last year I mastered it again and the whole material is on our web page. Those who are interested can find it there even with the cover. The address is:
Was it a natural change to become Lunatic Gods? And also style change?
After this debut material we started to play more complicated kind of music and we realized that we became a completely different band, therefore we changed our name to LUNATIC GODS. This change of name ruined all our previous effort, but I thing we did the right thing.
Can you tell the differences between Inhuman’an ’The Wilderness’?
The debut was named ’Inhuman and Insensible’ and it was released by an Italian label POLYPHEMUS RECORDS. Our second CD ’Sitting by the fire’ was released by METAL AGE and then followed the third album ’The Wilderness’ released by Czech label SHINDY PRODUCTIONS. What for the music of the albums, for me it's quite difficult to compare or to say something about it. I think each album is completely different and I hope it's obvious to everyone who heard the albums. Those two you mentioned are maybe similar in heaviness and intensity. Our second album was more complicated and therefore the responses were not as good as in the case of ’Inhuman.’ and ’The Wilderness’.
What do you think your best recording?
I like all our albums. I see mistakes on all of them, but you know, that's how it is - you can't reach perfection. Each album is a reflection of our personal lives and our personal feelings and attitudes. We don't like bands that copy themselves like for example IRON MAIDEN or KING DIAMOND. I think that what they do is really professional - they attract some audience and then they give them still the same and the fans like it. You can't loose the fans if you work this way. Our stile of work is to experiment. Our fans have to remember that every our album is different and surprising.
How did you came part of the Metallica tribute?
First of all I have to say that Italian label ENERIE RECORDS does a great job with tribute albums. They are all done really well. In all cases the tributes are DCDs where one of the CDs contains cover songs and the other contains songs of the featuring bands. They did tributes to bands like RUSH, IRON MAIDEN or METALLICA. What for me an the rest of LUNATIC GODS, METALLICA is dead since ’Justice.’ but you know we would be damn stupid to refuse such an offer. Still the tribute has two imperfections: I think the bands should have been chosen more carefully and the second imperfection is the sound of our songs but it has nothing to do with the label. It's our fault.
Which band would you like to tribute you?
Without words - EMPEROR.
Do you still play covers? When rehearsal or live?
We have never played the cover live. We don't want to play songs that are not ours as we have enough of our own songs. We don't like that kind of concerts when bands play too many covers. We like original and own way that we believe is in everyone and therefore there is no reason to copy anyone.
What kind of job do you have? Did you study for it?
I work in a radio as a technical director. I work with sound. I really like this job and I think I have already gained quite a lot of experience. Therefore I did the mastering for ’The Wilderness’ on my own. But I didn't study it I studied something else - at technical college but I didn't like it. However to study was the only way how to avoid national service.
Is it easy to get free time when you are touring?
We have never been on a long tour. You know, there are not so many people who know LUNATIC GODS and therefore a tour is not really the best for our band. The promotion of our first two albums wasn't very good but it seems to get better with the third album. I guess the free time wouldn't be the most serious problem if we were on a tour - you know seven people in the band.
What is the most difficult part of being away from home?
When I'm with my friends, I don't mind to be in hell.
What do you think of tourning Europe for gigs?
As I have already mentioned we have never been on a European tour, therefore I can't say anything about it. But I like Europe, because it's where I'm from and I understand the people here. I could hardly live somewhere else like for example in the USA as their mentality is different for me. They seem to me as mature but still children - in the negative meaning of course.
Do you like to visit other countries? Try to learn something about their culture?
I love it and I would like to travel a lot but I guess it won't be sooner as when I am old. I read a lot about other countries and cultures and about their history, because history is full of wisdom from which you can benefit in your life.
How many words do you know of your anthem?
Naturally I know it whole and I often sing it when I'm drunk. I jump up on the table and shout it damn loud. I guess sooner or later we will make a black metal version of it so that people all around the world had a chance to known it.
Do you support your national soccer team? Any other sport interest?
Yes, I'm a big sport fan. But just watching TV with chips and beer. Well, what for the Olympic games I think that the results of our national hockey team are really a success.
Do you have other hobbies besides music?
My whole life is about music. I play in two bands, I have my own small label and I co-operate with some other small Slovak and Czech labels. I organise metal concerts in a rock club in our town. Now I spend a lot of time answering interviews - I have to get up at 6 because of it. Then I go to work and in the evening I deal with other stuff connected with the band - trades, rehearsals, distribution. At the weekends we often play concerts. My girlfriend is often angry that I don't spend enough time with her. When I have some free time I read books, play chess, or watch documentaries. I'm interested in history, mainly in world wars.
Tell us something shocking about yourself?
Whole my life is very shocking. My neighbours really suffer.
What would be on your tombstone?
Something shocking as I have always wanted not to be like the masses. Maybe the best would be if I had no tombstone. I would be buried outside the cemetery like a murder which would symbolise my attitude to this society.
Last rites?
Thank you for your help and interest.
Mar 3, 2002
Mar 3, 2002
Next interview:
Lethal, thrash metal terrorist from the desolate north
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