Glass Casket enjoys ice cream and slacks

interview with Blake on 18-01-2005
Please give us a short introduction of yourself?
I'm Blake and I play the drums. I enjoy ice cream and a nice pair of slacks.
Are you ready for an intellectual intie? What is your education, so we can picture you?
What’s an intie? Anyways, I am a music business major but am about to take a break from school for a while to rock out.
And why did you use the same typeface in your logo as mine? Mine was born in 1999, nah nah!
I had no idea! Sorry about that.
Did you expect that this album would be so hard? What were your expectations before you recorded it?
People seem to dig the album a lot which is great. I didn't really expect to sell as many as we have. Our expectations were pretty average, really high. But the promotion for the album has been great, so needless to say we're stoked on its success so far.
Are there any albums that were your guidelines? What are you favorite albums/bands?
Ummm! have probably too many favorite bands to list. I would say some of the top ones right now are Dream Theater and Pantera. I've been also listening to a lot of H.I.M. lately, they're great.
Why did you use such a boring albumcover? I could imagine ramming with a bat some glass stores?
We got this guy Jon Chang to do the artwork for the album. He got a really weird style which was what we were shooting for.
Nice videoshooting. But do you really write all music down? Are you musically educated?
Yeah shooting the video was fun and interesting to see how everything works. We just kinda jam out when we write music and just put all different parts together and make a song.
Mixing some styles together... are there other musical influences you wanna use? How do you decide if it is useful?
We are all into metal in general. Sid is more into the softer stuff so that helps out with the melodic stuff I guess.
Which scene do you wanna reach? More to the metal or more to the hardcore?
We don't care really. We respect both scenes. To be honest, the hardcore scene probably got us to the level we are at now and the metal scene is starting to pick up on us.
Not afraid that different fans start a fight at a gig? What will you do when this is happening?
Personally I have always been a fan of fighting. But only at the appropriate times. We usually just try and keep playing if there is a fight and hope it gets settled.
Did you end up in fights when you were young? What were the reasons and the important one. Did you win?
Yeah I think I got in a fight in second grade with some kid because I got picked to be on a team before he did.
Are you aware that some teengirls consider you as THE metal boyband? Consider them as groupies?
Wow I didn't realize that. Either way that rules. Yeah there's nothing wrong with some groupies on tour.
Do you give discount to deaf people?
We haven't had that problem yet but I imagine we would, haha.
What do you think of your almost empty forum on the website? Will it grow or is it pathetic?
Yeah it sucks because kids keep hacking it and deleting the posts. I guess we can't afford a decent forum or something. Kids need to do something better with their time.
Can people download your album on a paywebsite like iTunes? Ever tried? Is your label pushing you?
I'm not sure if you can or not. I'll have to check. I'm sure abacus would totally want to.
What will you do with the first paycheck with your royalties?
We actually got it like a month ago. We put it into our band account because we never have any money. EVER!!!
Being in a band is not only making music but also promotion. Do you like this part of rockstardom?
I don't really consider it as rockstardom. You need the promotion for something that you put a lot of time into. The more promotion the better, if the album is good.
Any suggestions that we can do after reading this intie?
OH!! Intie as in interview. WOW! am an idiot. Well the only thing I can warn people is to not take everything I say seriously. Haha.
Last rites?
Yeah. What?
Jan 18, 2005
Jan 18, 2005
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Gerbe Of Life mixes various extreme waves
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