Corporation 187 wants you to join their sin

interview made by Clive Vella with Filip (March 2008)

Hi guys, pleasure having you for this interview... can you give us a brief history of Corporation 187?
We are a metalband from Linkoping, Sweden. We have been together since 1998 and our new release ’Newcomers of sin’ is our third album and it holds a different sound from what fans are used to hear from us.

Why chose the name Corporation 187? Is it a hit towards capitalism?
The numbers 187 is used as a policecode somewhere in the states, It’s a code for murder.

What is Sweden’s metal scene like? I know there are a lot of great bands but none in your style.. Any bands that I don’t know about?
I’m not the person to ask in this matter, I’m not very up to date with the new bands coming out today. There’s to many bands and I only listen to my old favorites, like Opeth, Katatonia, Dissection, In flames, Soilwork, Hellacopters, Dark tranquillity, Bloodbath. So I guess I’m not that into the underground stuff. I basically don’t have time to search for new stuff so I stick with the things I know is good. Boring but true.

I see that some of you guys had started together a Slayer tribute band.. How much do the more ‘classic’ bands influence your music as Corporation 187??
The slayer cover band was in 1995 and lasted for maybe 6 months so I guess that we feel that we have changed a bit since then... Can’t say that we are influenced by any band. We are 5 individuals that write music together and we all listen to all kinds of music. But I must speak for myself here. If I must say someone that inspired me I would say Chuck Shuldiner of Death.

What makes a great Corporation 187 song? How are ideas born? Where do you get inspiration from?
Olof, Viktor and Magnus write riffs at home and get together with our drummer Robert and starts building up the verse and chorus. Then we try out their things with my lyrics and I basically try to find great lines to fit the music. Then we arrange the whole song when we know that vocals and riffs work together as a unit. If we feel that the verse and chorus is good we have a solid ground to build a great song upon. Sometimes I write lyrics at home when I’m pissed off, or when I get inspired by something. Sometimes I write lyrics in the rehearsing-room when the other guys play new material. That’s new for me but it’s cool to try out different ways to create.

I find it strange that your vocals are mostly screams rather than the normal thrash bands.. Do you think that it defines your style as Corporation 187, ie a newer type of Thrash metal..?
It’s hard to explain why I sound the way I do. I want the vocals to be aggressive and intense. I actually don’t think that I could sound in a other way. We’re not trying to please people when we write. If the 5 of us like it, it cant be bad. And yes, I think we got something new on this album and I love it.

What drove Corporation 187 to this style? Why not death or black metal?
It’s a natural evolution I guess. I think that there are pieces on this album that sound more Black metal and death metal rather than thrash-metal. But in the end it’s only empty words. People need to hear “Newcomers of sin” to make it their own.

What do your lyrics generally talk about? Morbid dreams or perverted fantasies?
I think I could say that the lyrics are my negative reflections of the world. Sometimes I use fiction as a tool to put my bad energy into words and sometimes I just let the music we create inspire me to write infernal stuff.

Do you think people are reading the lyrics and try to understand them?
Maybe, I hope so. But some years ago I heard someone saying that we have an odd lyrical approach and maybe it’s hard for people to understand the subjects in each song but there is no right and wrong if you like it. I like to listen to music and build my own fantasies around a song.

Do you guys have bands that you consider crucial for peoples musical education?

To what kind of music are you listening yourself? And is there any kind of music or band you are ashamed to admit you like them?
Like I said earlier, I can only speak for myself. But I think that there are no rules what people should listen to. So there’s no reason to be ashamed of anything. Who would actually care? But to mention some bands I like, to add to the previous ones, here goes: Danzig, System of a down, Candlemass, Death, Cardigans, Megadeth, Kent, King Diamond, The Crown....

Corporation 187 is on Anti Culture’s bill of artists. What do you think about the label?
They are doing great. They treat us good and work their asses off for us.

What are your plans for the upcoming years? Any Southern Europe tours, maybe even to Malta? lol
This early we don’t have any confirmed tours but there will be some in 2008. Until today the record is not out yet so I guess if people like the new album we’ll try to get to play for them as much as possible. We have a new video for the song “ My sickness” that soon will be online and we have started talking about making another one later this year.

Do you know anything about Malta? Would it be worth visiting?
I would love going to Malta, but I can’t say I know much about the country. I think it’s a bit warmer then Sweden and that people go to spend their holidays in Malta? I would like to visit Malta if I could afford it.

Do yo have a favorit country to spend holiday? And what do you like to do on holiday?
I’m father of a 2-year old child so the last couple of years there haven’t been that much holiday. This summer I will have my second child so I guess there will be no more holidays hehe. But seriously I have only been to Spain one time to spend my holiday and that was great. And then I have been around the cold nordic countries, such as Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway.

So what do you guys do outside music? Obscene hobbies or are you all good boys?
Drinking beer and spending time on the interfuckingnet is taking to much time, but spending time with my family is my priority outside the band. Not very metal, but I think we all are quite ordinary guys.

What are some of your most fucked up dreams?
Aren’t all dreams fucked up? hehe

Is thrash metal still alive? What do you think about the ever growing Lamb of God style bands?
Haven’t heard of them. Time is running out, I’m of to the rehearsingroom.

Mention a memorable concert moment for you. Funny or not of course...
I got a very bad memory, sorry.

Does Corporation 187 get groupies in concert? And does the vocalist always have the best looking?
No I’m afraid not. I guess we play the wrong kind of music to get laid after concerts. haha

Thanks a lot for your time fellas, sure been a pleasure. Keep up the metal! Any last words?
Thanx for your interest in Corporation 187 and I hope you will like and understand our new album. Join us in sin
Interviewer: twansibon
Mar 9, 2008

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